Blog to help every programmer to learn good stuff about programming and keep them updated with the latest trend that is happening in the IT industry
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
VB and Voice Recognition
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Glimpse into the next generation of enterprise development using XML
Developers will find code samples, a discussion of the Internet Explorer 5 document object model, and many more topics. Web developers will find material on using XML to build Web pages. Senior developers and managers will find discus-sions on how XML can be integrated into the enterprise. Some of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications discussed in this book are not final, and they are changing constantly. It is recommended that you visit the W3C Web site at often for the updated specifications. Start reading...
Building `Drag-and-Drop` DIVs: Developing a Basic Script
Highlighting Multiple Search Keywords in ASP.NET
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Virtual Web Services Through Pattern Matching
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Practice for Designing Web Applications
Friday, December 02, 2005
Introduction to the .NET Speech SDK
Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
How to: Write Custom HTTP Handlers for the ASP.NET Applications
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Implement Caching to Give .NET Applications a Performance Boost
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Essential JavaScript: 8 Cross-Browser Solutions
An Introduction to Game Programming with JavaScript
Friday, November 18, 2005
Top 10 Tips for Designing Telephony Applications
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Unregister Startup Script, the Workaround !!!
First you need to define a form level variable of type System.Web.UI.Control to your web page like
Private ctrlToFocus As System.Web.UI.Control = Nothing
Then add a Page PreRender event to your web page like
Private Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.PreRender
Dim script As String = "<script language="javascript">" _
& "document.getElementById('" & ctrlID.ClientID & "').focus();" _
& "document.getElementById('" & ctrlID.ClientID & "').scrollIntoView();" _
& "</script>
If Not Page.IsStartupScriptRegistered("focusKey") Then
Page.RegisterStartupScript("focusKey", script)
End If
Now, where ever you have defined your startup script to focus to a control, replace that with the following
ctrlToFocus = <yourControlName>
Hope this helped to solve your problem !!!
Custom and User Controls in ASP.NET
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Working with Client-Side Xml Data Islands via Server-Side ASP.NET code
There are a number of techniques available for doing this; and Peter A Bromberg shows one simple way with which we could experiment further in this article...
Using Visual Studio .NET Wizards to Create an N-Tiered Application
Most architectures recommend more of an n-tiered approach where the code is separated into different layers. There should at least be a data access layer, business logic layer, and a presentation layer. When working with distributed applications (different parts of the application running on different servers) more layers may need to be added.
There are two primary advantages for separating the layers: code reusability and de-coupling code from the database. By separating out the data access and business logic layers, many different forms can be used to collect and display the information without rewriting or duplicating the code to access and use the information. The de-coupling helps keep your code from breaking when the database schema changes and makes it easier to even change data storage providers without much code change.
Mr. David Catherman has to say more on this here...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Dynamic page updates using XMLHTTP, the hidden layer of AJAX
XMLHTTP works by sending a request to the Web server from the client and returning an XML data island. Depending on the structure of the XML that is received, we can use XSLT or the XML DOM to manipulate it and bind portions of the page to that data. This is an extremely powerful technique.
To learn more on this beautiful technique to refresh your web page, go thru' this Microsoft KB 893659
Friday, November 11, 2005
Learning the Basics of AJAX Programming
The process of retrieving XML data asynchronously via JavaScript is known as Ajax. This is the Abbreviation of Asynchronous Javascript and XML and the application that uses this techology is mostly referred as Ajax application.
To know more about the basis of ajax and how to use this to your web application, read the following article How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax by Jonathan Fenocchi
Using Data Binding to Synchronize Properties
The following code, for example, binds the BackColor property of TextBox2 and TextBox3 to the same property of TextBox1:
Me.TextBox2.DataBindings.Add("BackColor", Me.TextBox1, "BackColor")Me.TextBox3.DataBindings.Add("BackColor", Me.TextBox1, "BackColor")
When you want to change the BackColor of all three textboxes, all you need to do is change the property for TextBox1:
Me.TextBox1.BackColor = Color.Red
By using data bindings you can achieve all sorts of useful synchronization effects. This tip is from paitken
Thursday, November 10, 2005
An Overview of Visual Basic 2005
Note This article has been updated for the final release of Visual Basic 2005.
This post is from Ken Getz of MCW Technologies, LLC and to know more click here...
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Sql Server User-Defined function to return the given string in Proper Case
-- SELECT dbo.ProperCase('STRING IN ALL CAPS')
Function Pointers in Javascript
var stringDemo = "This is a string"
var functionDemo = new Function("alert('I am a function!');return false")
document.write("<B>" + typeof stringDemo + "</B><BR>" + stringDemo)
document.write("<BR><B>" + typeof stringDemo + "</B><BR>" + functionDemo)
Running the above code generates the following output:
This is a string
function anonymous() { alert("I am a function!"); }
In this example we did not execute the
. Instead, we referenced the function object which caused the default method to be called. The default method on a function is the toString()
function. The toString()
function returns the contents of the object. The function is accessed as a data type and not executed because of the absence of the (). Without the () you are referencing the data type itself, with the parenthesis you execute the function. Therefore, to execute the functionDemo
you would call it as follows: functionDemo()
This highlights a very common bug that can cause you to spend countless hours debugging unless you understand the distinction between executing functions and accessing them. If you accidentally omit the () to execute the function you will often get no visible script error other than your application does not run as expected.
By treating the function as an object JavaScript becomes much more powerful as you can assign and manipulate it just as you manipulate other variables. When you treat functions as variables you are manipulating function pointers. For example, you can assign a pointer to our new functionDemo to another variable the same as you assign any other variable:
// Assign a reference to the function
referenceFunctionDemo = functionDemo
// Executes the function
// Assign return value of the executed function.
saveResultOfFunction = functionDemo()
This is a part of a article from Scott Isaacs.
To know more click here...
WinFX: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and XAML
If you have ever seen a Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF, formerly ‘Avalon’) application run, you will be sold on how it will revolutionize the computer user experience. The first word of out of my mouth when I saw a demo was “Cool.” Since .COM went .BUST, almost everyone in the information technology (IT) space has been waiting for the Messiah of IT to present itself. In WPF, it has arrived and will change the way we do business. Glen Sollors has to say more on this in his article here...
Custom Traffic Maps with Yahoo Traffic RSS, MSN Virtual Earth Maps and Remote Scripting
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Asynchronous client script callbacks